Rules & Safety

The following rules & safety regulations are in effect for the 2024 season

*Barrel bags are required when outside the playing or chronograph areas (no barrel plugs allowed).

*Paintball approved goggles MUST be worn In designated areas and must be worn at ALL times on the playing fields.

*No playing under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

*Avoid field hazards. Players should avoid all hazards such as fences, ruts, thorns, and vines. Please report any field hazard to staff.

*Verbal abuse and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.

*Field Rate of Fire: Mechanical or 5.5BPS unless otherwise specified

*Velocity Limits:

*285fps max for .68 caliber

*220fps max for .50 caliber (low impact)

*Minimum ages:

*.68 callber Is 10yo

*.50 caliber is 8yo

*Field Paint Only

* Players ejected for rule violations will NOT be given a refund